Saturday, October 5, 2013

Love... is a Colorful Four Letter Word

Back to the bookmarks...  First off, I continued to work on the patina last night.  I had layered some patina on there the day before, but it just looked dark and I wanted those great colors.  I call it the peacock look.  I lightly sanded the pieces, washed them, boiled some eggs and was getting ready to carefully put everything in the container when I decided to add something extra.  I crushed up three salt and vinegar chips to see if that would turn up the color to 11.  I had added actual vinegar and the chips before, but for some reason, the additional moisture in the container wasn't really working.  Wow, did the chips ever do it!  Thanks Lay's Stax!  You rock and well... stink, but did the trick.  Look at the photos and all the color range I got.  I will end up lightly removing some of that so the leaf imprints pop a bit more.  See the bird tracks in the second photo.  They like to hop on through the sand table out back and create some interesting art of their own.

This is kinda random, but I do some shows and there is one man who has bought a bracelet from me and has even ordered some special beads from me.  I'm still waiting for him to come back from the Carolinas to pick up those wrapped beads I've been saving for months.

Until then, there is his friend who almost always stops by at the shows to talk to me.  I found out both of the men are retired professors from a local university.  The one man comes over and talks to me, but I'm not sure he has ever bought anything from me and I'm working to change that!  He collects other things and at the last show, came over and showed me his recent purchase.

I believe he and his wife like to read.  Just the kind of people you can imagine reading a great book, thumbing through the pages and relaxing.  Yep, no Kindle readers here...  I'm talking about the real deal.   They seem to have a really interesting life.  He told me his wife is an artist and we talk about art.  She was recently on a plein air painting vacation on some island off the coast of Greece.  Nice...  I use to do stuff like that, but instead of heading over to the Mediterranean, I would pack it on out to the desert and paint the Superstition Mountains.  Um, yah... her trip sounded much more interesting!

I think the perfect gift for his wife would be one of my copper bookmarks and maybe at the next show, he'll pick one up!!!  I think she would LOVE one!   I'll keep you posted...

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About Me

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I enjoy silversmithing, making jewelry, beads and working with paracord. I sculpt in polymer clay and desert themes are my favorite. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate the beauty of nature into my work. My work has been published in a large book called "1000 Beads," Lark Jewelry and Beading, 2014. I have sold beads through the Glendale Bead Museum Shop, a gallery in Tucson and I'm an artist currently showing my jewelry at the Shemer Art Center in Phoenix, AZ.