Sunday, October 26, 2014

In the Works Friday

I was going through some scrap silver for casting on Friday and found a piece where I had sawed out a pine tree.  I decided to then saw around that to create a silhouette.  I sweat soldered the piece down to another piece of metal.  As you can see the piece on the fire brick didn't look like much at that point. 

Let's see what else...  I have an arrowhead pendant in progress here, some bales I sawed out for the pendants, earrings pieces with clovers and another larger milled piece that will be a pendant.  I think I will drill some holes in that metal and build a frame around it.  Simple and it will be all about the leaf impression on that one.

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About Me

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I enjoy silversmithing, making jewelry, beads and working with paracord. I sculpt in polymer clay and desert themes are my favorite. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate the beauty of nature into my work. My work has been published in a large book called "1000 Beads," Lark Jewelry and Beading, 2014. I have sold beads through the Glendale Bead Museum Shop, a gallery in Tucson and I'm an artist currently showing my jewelry at the Shemer Art Center in Phoenix, AZ.